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You Could Run a Competitive Campaign with Confidence!

As you are considering running for office, explore the articles below to find answers to the questions you’re asking.

Enroll in the You Could Run for Office online course and learn what you need to know to run for office with confidence.

When you are ready to launch your campaign and run for office, we’ll be hear to offer expert coaching and guidance.
You Could Run for Political Office.
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Mastering the Ask
One of the most nerve-wracking moments for any political candidate, especially first-timers, is the initial "ask"—the point at which you...

Run Local
Uncover the transformative power of local politics. Learn why state and local elections hold the key to impactful change and why your vote t

8 Mistakes First Time Candidates Make
Dive into the common pitfalls faced by new political candidates. Discover 8 essential mistakes to sidestep for a successful and impactful ca

Why and How to Host Virtual Fundraisers
Unlock the potential of virtual fundraisers for your political campaign. This guide for first-time candidates breaks down the why and how of

Netflix for Democracy
Discover how a Netflix-style subscription model can revolutionize political campaign fundraising. This innovative guide unpacks the benefits

Dismantling the Status Quo
Discover how new political candidates can disrupt the status quo and transform the political landscape. Embracing grassroots movements, inno

Ethical Campaigning: Don’t Be Ugly
Learn key principles for ethical campaigning in our comprehensive guide for first-time political candidates. Explore campaign finance, truth

Your Fundraising Superpower
Discover the power of grassroots fundraising for first-time political candidates. Learn why small donations can have a big impact on your ca

Collaborating with Other Candidates for Mutual Benefit
Explore the significance of collaborating with other candidates as a first-time political candidate. Learn how to form strategic alliances,

Building a Diverse Coalition
Learn the importance of building a diverse coalition as a first-time political candidate. Discover strategies for fostering inclusivity, eng

Campaigning on a Budget
Discover innovative and cost-effective ideas for first-time political candidates campaigning on a budget. Embrace digital marketing, utilize

Managing the Stress of a Campaign
Discover effective strategies for managing campaign stress as a first-time political candidate. Prioritize self-care through routines, seek

The Art of Networking: building connections as a first-time candidate
Discover the art of networking as a first-time political candidate. Learn strategies to build valuable connections and cultivate relationshi

Staying Resilient on the Campaign Trail
Discover essential tips for staying resilient and motivated throughout your political campaign. Embrace a growth mindset, surround yourself

What AOC Taught Me
Discover the power of grassroots campaigning as a first-time political candidate. Learn how to mobilize your local community, build a strong

What Do You Stand For?
Learn how to create an effective political platform and communicate your views with impact. Discover tips on identifying core values, resear

Don’t Ignore the Boring Stuff
Discover the crucial but often overlooked requirements for running for political office. Learn about age, citizenship, residency, and regist

You Could Run for School Board!
School boards are the front lines of the culture wars, which is why first-time candidates running for office need to know how to campaign.

You Could Run for Congress!
First-time candidates running for office are changing the landscape of American politics. Here's how to run for Congress.

You Could Run for Mayor!
Whether you live in a big city or small town, here’s what you need to know if you’re thinking about running for mayor.

You Could Run for State Legislature!
A record number of first-time candidates are running for state house or state senate. And our state capitols need them!

You Could Run for City Council!
Want to make a real difference by running for office? Then run for city council. Here's how.

Reality vs Expectations When Running for Office
First-time candidates think they know what it will be like running for office, but they're probably mistaken.

5 Fundraising Mistakes I Made (So You Don't Have To)
First-time candidates running for office struggle with fundraising. Don't make these mistakes.

The Next Big Thing in Political Campaigning
Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing our culture fast, including how first-time candidates campaign for office.

Campaigning in the Insurrection Age
January 6, 2021 changed American politics. First time candidates wondering how to run for political office need to understand this.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Run for Office (in the 2024 Elections)
Making the decision to run for office is critical. First time candidates for political office need to begin by asking themselves these 5 que

4 Unexpected Obstacles First-Time Candidates Face
Very few first-time candidates are prepared for the emotional toll of campaigning. When you consider how to run for political office, you’ve

How Covid-19 Changed Political Campaigns Forever
The pandemic made digital organizing essential. First time candidates wondering how to run for political office need to understand the basic

The Best Advice I Could Give a Candidate
First-time candidates running for political office will feel all kinds of pressure, not the least of which is to compromise who they really

The Worst Advice I Could Give a Candidate
If you're a first-time candidate wondering how to run for political office, the absolute worst advice I could give you is don't trust anyone

First-Time Candidates Are Freaking Out about Fundraising (with good reason)
First time candidates wondering how to run for political office need to know the basics of political fundraising.

The Top 3 Reasons Why First-Time Candidates Win
First time candidates find it hard to win their political campaigns. If you’re wondering how to run for political office, this will help.

The Top 3 Reasons Why First-Time Candidates Lose
Sadly, most first time candidates for political office lose. If you’re wondering how to run for political office, read this.

This Is Why Social Media Can Make or Break Your Campaign (for first-time candidates)
First time candidates wondering how to run for political office need to understand the basics of how to use social media for their campaign.

The Issues That Will Make You Connect with Voters
First time candidates wondering how to run for political office need to understand which issues to campaign on.

Volunteers Will Make You Successful (as a first-time candidate)
First time candidates wondering how to run for political office need to understand the importance of volunteers to the success of their camp

This Is Why You Need a Powerful Stump Speech (for beginners)
First time candidates wondering how to run for political office need to be able to clearly and compellingly tell their story of why they are
Enroll in the You Could Run for Office Online Course Today.

You Could Run a Competitive Campaign with Confidence!
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